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Natural Solutions to Relieve Constipation

Discover 15 Gentle Ways to Clean Out Your Colon

When You Get This Gift eBook, You'll Also
Get Access to the Whole Body Detox Summit,
Starting Tuesday, March 4th.

By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from the Whole Body Detox Summit and the host Jonathan Landsman. I can withdraw consent at any time.

Discover game-changing herbs and supplements that most conventional doctors overlook ...

The Power Plant from Africa - This potent herb provides predictable bowel relief within 8-12 hours. Traditional healers have prized this remedy for generations.
The Protein-Busting Superfruit - Just two servings a day can transform your colon health, especially after eating heavy meals.
The Sacred Tree Bark - This remedy works with such precision that you can literally set your watch by its gentle effects.
The Express Lane Oil - While most fats take the long road through digestion, this special oil takes a direct route to trigger a gentle cleansing wave through your digestive system.

You'll Also Get Access To My 8-Part
Whole Body Detox Summit With Presentations From
Some Of The World's Leading Experts on Detoxification

Hello, my name is Jonathan Landsman and I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for nearly 40 years.

As the creator of, I’ve worked with some of the brightest minds in natural health and science. I’ve also produced over 500 health programs with over 300 of the finest integrative healthcare providers in the world.

No matter what your health concern is, your top priority should be to identify the primary source of toxins that are causing you pain.

That’s why I created the Whole Body Detox Summit.

Whether you are looking to avoid disease symptoms or eliminate any chronic health problem, this program will give you the simple and most advanced methods known for detoxifying the body: physically, mentally and emotionally.

For complimentary access, save your seat today for the Whole Body Detox Summit and don't miss a single lifesaving episode.

"I've watched and purchased many of the NaturalHealth365 Programs. Jonathan, I think you are the BEST I have ever listened to. Thank you for helping me to take control of my health."

- Connie E.

We’re all being exposed to over 85,000 chemicals in the environment, and that number is growing by about 2,500 new chemicals every year!

On top of the physical toxins, we have mental and emotional stress that shuts down our normal detoxification pathways.
When we get overburdened with too many toxins, we lose cellular energy and mental clarity.

Unfortunately, our current healthcare system does NOT recognize the true threat posed by environmental toxins as a primary driver of disease. In fact, most doctors add to your toxic burden by prescribing medications that cause constipation, fatigue and insomnia.

Over time, we see too many toxins taking their toll on liver and kidney function. Poor nutrition, exposure to environmental toxins, inadequate sleep and sedentary lifestyle - can make it difficult for the blood to cleanse itself and efficiently remove waste. This can lead to weakened immune health and an inability to fight off infections.

For example: Did you know that 40% of people with severely reduced kidney function - not on dialysis - are not even aware that they have chronic kidney disease?

On top of that, up to 90% of your liver can be clogged with toxins without a single warning sign. This is serious considering that hundreds of millions of people suffer with fatty liver disease.

In reality, the vast majority of people suffering with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia and autoimmune disorders could completely resolve their health problems with a good detoxification program.

The truth is, there are much more subtle yet significant warning signals that let you know you’re becoming
too toxic, such as...

Chronic fatigue, even after a lot of time sleeping
High cholesterol levels
Constant digestive upset
Skin disorders
Uncontrolled upset and anger
Unexplained chronic aches and pains
Hormonal imbalances like low thyroid function
Feeling anxious for no particular reason
Steady weight gain even when trying to reduce calories

Plus, many other symptoms that are often misdiagnosed or overlooked by conventionally trained physicians that prescribe medications instead of looking at the root cause of your health problems.

No matter what your health concern is …
your top priority should be to identify the primary source of toxins that are causing you pain!

"I've been following Jonathan's work for over 20 years trying to learn things we were never taught in medical school. Most conventionally trained physicians are absolutely clueless of the underlying causes of health issues in our country."

Margaret Christensen, MD

"Jonathan brings experts together and gets the best information out to the people. He has done his homework, and the content he puts out has tremendously helped thousands of people."

Anshul Gupta, MD

"I admire Jonathan's energy and heart that goes into putting a health program together. I can feel the love he has for all the people out there. He really does care about helping people truly get to the root causes and heal."

Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC

Many of the toxins we're exposed to on a daily basis are beyond the obvious ones found in processed foods and cancer-causing industrial chemicals.

Believe it or not, a trip to your local health food store could be adding to your toxic burden. Even your home could be a source of hidden toxins!

This breakthrough program will show you all of the toxins that you need to know about and practical ways to avoid being harmed.

Whether you are looking to avoid disease symptoms or eliminate any chronic health problem, this program will give you the simple and most advanced methods known for detoxifying the body: physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Find out how to detoxify the body safely and naturally...

Here's What You'll Discover in Each Episode

Episode 1

How to Detox Properly

Understand what can go wrong with the 4 main elimination channels
Simple ways to clean out every elimination channel in your body
An emotional story about how one woman corrected several detox mistakes to reverse the signs of dementia
The best detox strategies for heavy metals, mold and chemicals
And so much more!

Episode 2

Advanced Detox Strategies

The lifesaving value of coffee enemas, implants, colonics + much more
Find out how to properly measure EMF threats + realistic solutions
The best way to eliminate the threat of gum disease and oral infections
Discover how ozone therapy detoxifies the body and strengthens immunity
And so much more!

Episode 3

Detox Warnings and Solutions

The best foods, herbs and natural therapies to improve kidney function
Simple way to remove heavy metals from the body, backed by scientific research
Advanced liver cleansing strategies to improve digestive function
How to prepare the body for detoxification, including great ways to support gut, liver and kidney function
And so much more!

Episode 4

Taking Your Detox Plan
to the Next Level

The best way to kill parasites and reduce your risk of unwanted “die-off” effects
4 core principles to enhance the effectiveness of your detox program
The simple “8R” program to help your body remove toxins effectively
How to use homeopathic remedies to overcome past traumas, depression and anxiety
And so much more!

Episode 5

Unclogging Your Detox Pathways

Natural solutions for hives, rashes plus many other skin issues
Find out how to avoid poor liver function and an increased risk of heavy metal toxicity
The best foods and supplements to support the elimination of toxins
Shocking news about how thyroid disorders and type 2 diabetes are linked to toxins
And so much more!

Episode 6

Simple Overlooked Detox Essentials

The hidden problems associated with xenoestrogens and heavy metal toxicity
A step-by-step approach to properly test and remove biotoxins
Nutritional strategies to reduce the harmful effects of EMF exposure from cell phones and other wireless devices
3 ways to detoxify the body on a regular basis
And so much more!

Episode 7

How Detoxification Improves
Your Brain and Emotions

Understand the link between the lymphatic system, toxin removal and emotional wellbeing
Biggest mistakes to avoid when removing toxins from your body
Best nutritional supplements to improve brain function
The 5-step process to improve your stress response and emotional wellbeing
And so much more!

Episode 8

Powerful Detox Protocols

Effective ways to activate the self-healing response of your body
Glymphatic network cleansing strategies to overcome brain fog, anxiety and insomnia
Natural techniques to release emotional traumas and overcome negative events in your life
Surprising details about how one inexpensive vitamin can greatly improve your detoxification pathways
And so much more!


Unlocking the Key to “Whole Body Detox” Success

During the filming of the Whole Body Detox Summit, one theme kept emerging: accurate lab testing is crucial for revealing toxic threats that could be harming you right now. In fact, many of the experts revealed two SHOCKING truths about lab testing…

1. Most standard lab tests are dangerously flawed with inaccurate lab ranges.

2. The most important (lifesaving) lab tests are rarely given to most people.

This revelation inspired me to create “The Lab Testing Docu-Class” – featuring 34 groundbreaking presentations that expose which tests you need and why. In this BONUS EPISODE, I've curated the most powerful insights from this Docu-Class into a single, must-watch episode.

Breaking NEWS: Your 'Normal' Lab Test Results Are NOT Telling You the Whole Story…

Most conventional lab ranges are dangerously flawed - they're based on "population averages" rather than optimal markers 
of health. Since the average person today faces significant health challenges, many of today's most pressing health issues can be missed using standard ranges.

To achieve optimal health, you need to know the more precise lab ranges –
which reveal your true risk of disease and what to do next.

Life-Saving Tests That Doctors Rarely Order

Many overlooked lab tests can detect disease, sometimes years before symptoms even manifest.
 Sadly, most doctors don't include these valuable tests in routine checkups.

To make matters worse, most doctors don't order important lab tests because they're not covered by your insurance.
 This BONUS EPISODE reveals several vital (but often overlooked) tests that are crucial for detecting your risk of disease and helping you to avoid serious health problems.

"Jonathan, your presentations are like a breath of fresh air, sort of like stepping into another reality, outside of the media and big interests that control our healthcare systems. It's great to see there are still people out there who care and really want to help people."

- Devon G.

Meet Our World-Renowned Medical Doctors and Detoxification Experts featured in the
Whole Body Detox Summit

Ellen Tart-Jensen, PhD

Cleansing the Elimination Channels
Advanced Colon Cleansing Strategies
Advanced Liver Cleansing Protocols

Cynthia Foster, MD

Proper Kidney Cleansing Techniques
Killing Parasites Properly
Powerful Skin Health Improvement Strategies

Michael Murray, N.D.

Best Ways to Improve Detoxification
How to Remove Brain Toxins

Dr. Amie Hornaman

Fixing Hormonal Imbalances

Joel Fuhrman, MD

Practical Guide to Remove Toxins

Anshul Gupta, MD

3 Phases of Detoxification

Dr. Peter Osborne

Avoiding Toxicity Dangers

Oram Miller, BBEC, EMRS

Reducing EMF Toxicity

Griffin Cole, DDS, NMD

How to Eliminate Hidden Oral Infections

Howard Robins, DPM

Ozone Therapy Solutions

Ruby Tischoff, FDN-P

Removing Heavy Metals Safely

Sharon Stills, NMD

Key Action Steps BEFORE You Detox

Deanna Minich, PhD

Supercharge Your Detox Plan

Thomas Lewis, PhD

Surprising News About Cholesterol

Dr. Anthony Salzarulo

Homeopathy for Detoxification

Stephanie Seneff, PhD

The Great Detox Inhibitor

Jim LaValle, RPh, CCN

Starters Guide to Removing Toxins

Margaret Christensen, MD

Biotoxins: The Hidden Cause of Sickness

Cathy Cooke, BBEC, EMRS

EMF Pollution Detox Strategies

Dr. Bryan Ardis

Inexpensive Ways to Remove Toxins

Dr. Robert DeMaria

Improving Lymphatic Drainage

Michelle Gamble, DN

Eliminating Detox Confusion

Alex Howard

How Emotional Trauma Alters Detox Pathways

Kelly McCann, MD, MPH

Medically Approved Detox Protocols

Dr. Christine Schaffner

Underrated Brain Detox Strategies

Fleet Maull, PhD

Your Guide to Healing Past Traumas

Thomas Levy, MD, JD

Surprisingly Simple Detox Protocol

"I want to personally thank Jonathan and all the doctors you work with for providing such invaluable information on disease prevention. Words cannot adequately express how much our lives have been enriched through these educational programs."

Ken B.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional and you should seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. The material provided on this website is for educational purposes only.

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By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from the Whole Body Detox Summit and the host Jonathan Landsman. I can withdraw consent at any time.

When you sign up to receive the eBook you'll also get FREE access to my 8-part Whole Body Detox Summit featuring some of the world's leading experts on detoxification!



Discover How to Detoxify Your Body
Safely and Naturally

Don't miss the Whole Body Detox Summit
A FREE 8 Part Program With Some of the
World's Leading Experts on Detoxification

By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from the Whole Body Detox Summit and the host Jonathan Landsman. I can withdraw consent at any time.
